Celebrate ISU Extension and Outreach Week in Wright County

AMES, Iowa – Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Week is April 15-20, 2024. Iowa’s 100 county extension offices will host activities throughout the week to thank Iowans for their support of extension education efforts throughout the state.

“This celebration is one way we show our appreciation for the people who participate in our educational programs, as well as the many volunteers, community leaders, organizations, agencies, and other partners who support our work in Wright County. Wright County has a great group of volunteers that help with youth programs, and we thank them for sharing their time and talents with us!” said Paige Dagel, K-12 Program Coordinator.

Wright County Extension is hosting a few events to celebrate Extension and Outreach Week! Youth can take part in a coloring contest starting April 15- April 20. There are two age divisions and information can be found on the website or Facebook page! Judging will take place on the Wright County Extension Facebook page April 20th- April 24th.

Monday April 15 from 8:30-10:30 am at the Extension Office in Clarion, join us for FREE donuts and coffee to meet the new Extension staff! All are welcome to come enjoy a donut and meet the new staff.

Thursday April 18 from 11-2pm in the Extension Office Parking Lot, enjoy local food trucks for lunch!

ISU Extension and Outreach is part of the federal Cooperative Extension Service — a network of more than 100 land-grant institutions, including Iowa State University, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture serving communities and counties across the United States. Every county in Iowa has an elected extension council that decides how to support ISU Extension and Outreach educational programs at the county level.

The Wright County Extension Council members are Paige Grandgeorge, Rodney Legleiter, Hillari Klaver, Breanna Wagner, Abbey Canon, Kevin Hadley, Mike Marshall, and Miguel Angel Chavez.

“ISU Extension and Outreach engages Iowans in solving today’s problems and planning for tomorrow. With the support of our elected council, our educational opportunities for the people of Wright County continue to grow.” Paige Dagel said.

For more information about ISU Extension and Outreach, visit www.extension.iastate.edu or contact the ISU Extension and Outreach Wright County office.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. For the full non-discrimination statement or accommodation inquiries, go to www.extension.iastate.edu/diversity/ext.


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