Supervisors Amend Budget, Set Fireworks Dates

The Wright County Board of Supervisors approved amending the current budget after a public hearing April 29. The amendment was needed due to an increase in both revenues and expenses. Revenues increased by more than $583,000, while expenses were up over $146,000.


The board heard that five 145-foot beams could be installed on the new C-70 bridge this week. The installation is tentatively set for Thursday if the weather cooperates. The installation can not take place if there is lightning in the area.


In other business, the board:

—approved fireworks permits for 4G Pyrotechnics on the following dates: May 17 (1446 Reed Avenue in Belmond), June 21 (2787 130th Drive in Belmond), June 29 (1582 Ida Avenue in Clarion), July 6 (Lake Cornelia), July 20 (1636 160th Avenue in Clarion), and Aug. 16 (1179 Taylor Avenue);

—approved updates to the ownership names on the Clarmond Country Club liquor license;

—approved paying for half of the registration fee and mileage for Katie Schlichting to attend medical examiner investigation training in Ankeny. The county will split the cost with Hamilton County;

—approved the first reading of the amended floodplain ordinance. The changes mainly involve definitions, and are required by the federal government;

—and heard that Sandy McGrath, head of the environmental health services department, may be helping Humboldt County with some services and testing. Humboldt County is without a sanitarian.


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