Updated Data for Decision Makers Reports Released for Iowa’s State, Counties and Cities

By Sandra Burke, Esther Crompton

AMES, Iowa – Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has released updated Data for Decision Makers reports for the state, counties and cities. Based on data from the American Community Survey for 2019 to 2023, the reports offer detailed insights into household and family income, educational attainment, housing values, rental costs, occupation, employment and poverty measures.

The DDMs are intended to help policymakers and community leaders analyze current conditions, allocate resources and develop policies tailored to local needs.

“These updates ensure that communities are working with the most current and reliable data available,” said Sandra Burke, a sociologist and research scientist with ISU Extension and Outreach. “Annual updates like this allow decision makers to track changes over time and adjust their strategies accordingly.”

“These reports make it possible for communities to identify and address pressing issues,” Burke said. “For instance, if housing values and rental costs are rising faster than household incomes, leaders can use that data to prioritize affordable housing initiatives or apply for grants to assist low-income residents. Similarly, income and education data can help local officials understand where economic disparities exist and focus resources where they are most needed.

“Overall, these reports give community leaders the tools they need to understand their current situation and compare it to neighboring communities, counties, the state or U.S. averages. This kind of information is key for identifying strengths, addressing challenges and planning for the future. By understanding how their community compares to others, leaders can prioritize investments in housing or apply for grants to fill gaps,” Burke said.

To access the updated DDM reports, visit the ISU Extension and Outreach Indicators Program website, where you can also find the newly revised County and City Data for Decision Makers User’s Guides for assistance in using the reports.

For more information on the DDM reports, contact Sandra Burke at scburke@iastate.edu or Esther Crompton, communication specialist, at eecrompt@iastate.edu.


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