Iowa 4-H Members Wrap Up Successful National Livestock Show Season

By Sydney Peterson, Amy Powell

AMES, Iowa – Iowa 4-H members participated in national 4-H livestock competitions across the country over the past several months.

Fayette County represented Iowa 4-H in the dairy quiz bowl at the North American International Livestock Exposition in November 2024. An all-star team represented Iowa 4-H at the competition’s dairy judging contest.

Additional 4-H youth participated in the National Western Roundup held in Denver, Colorado, during the Western National Stock Show in January 2025.

Dairy Educational Contests in Kentucky

Fayette County NAILE Dairy Quiz Bowl team.
(back row, left to right) Ethan Palmer, Kathleen Scott (coach), Molly Ihde (coach) and Peggy Sparrgrove (coach); (front row, left to right) Hannah Scott, Natalie Hamlett and Blake Sparrgrove. (Image courtesy of ISU)

In Kentucky, Fayette County represented Iowa 4-H in the dairy quiz bowl contest, and an all-star team represented Iowa 4-H in the dairy judging competition.

Fayette County 4-H members Ethan Palmer, Natalie Hamlett, Hannah Scott and Blake Sparrgrove participated in the dairy quiz bowl. Molly Ihde, Kathleen Scott and Peggy Sparrgrove coached the team. This team placed first at the state competition in Starmont, earning their spot to represent Iowa at the national contest.

The team placed fifth, receiving an honorable mention, and Ethan Palmer received special recognition for placing eighth individually in the written test.

The team representing Iowa 4-H in the North American International Livestock Exposition dairy judging contest comprised youth from various counties, forming an all-star team. This year’s team members were Haley Ronnebaum, Delaware County; Aden Kruse, Delaware County; Lily Holthaus, Fayette County; and Braden Ronnebaum, Delaware County. Kaleb Kruse and Jeannie Domeyer coached the team.

These youth were selected for the all-star team based on their scores from the state contest and eligibility requirements.

“This team placed fourth overall out of 19 teams across the country. This team’s dedication and hard work for animal science has been exceptional,” said Amy Powell, ag and natural resources extension specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

The team placed third high team in Ayrshire, fourth high team in Brown Swiss, second high team in Guernsey and Holstein, sixth high team in Jersey and fourth high team in oral reasons.

Individual honors in the contest were awarded to Haley Ronnebaum for placing third highest individual overall. She also received individual honors for placing third in reasons, fifth in Guernsey, seventh in Brown Swiss and eighth in Jersey. Lily Holthaus was recognized for placing third high individual in Holstein, eighth high individual in Guernsey and 15th overall in the contest.

Aden Kruse placed ninth in Gurnsey and 22nd overall, and Braden Ronnebaum received sixth in Ayrshire and 25th overall, both receiving special awards.

Over 70 youth competed in this contest, comprising 10 evaluation classes of cattle and four sets of oral reasons.

Livestock Educational Contests at the National Western

Washington County Livestock Judging Team.
(left to right) Garrett Greiner, Charlotte Sieren, Brynn Younge and Peighton Ford. (Image courtesy of ISU)

In Denver, Washington County represented Iowa 4-H in the livestock judging competitions, and Benton County represented Iowa 4-H in the quiz bowl contest in January 2025.

Washington County 4-H members Brynn Younge, Charlotte Sieren, Garrett Greiner and Peighton Ford participated in the national 4-H livestock judging competition. Dustin Ford, Derek Henningsen, Chad Younge and Ted Greiner coached the team. This team placed third at the state competition, earning their spot to represent Iowa at the national contest.

“The cool thing about the four of us is that we’ve been a team since fourth grade when we first joined 4-H and started judging,” said Brynn Younge. “Over the years, we’ve learned and grown so much together, and we’ve become really good friends.”

Charlotte Sieren placed second in individual sheep, 19th in individual reasons and 33rd overall out of 96 youth competing. “Washington County has a long track record of success, and we are excited to see how participation grew in the past few years,” said Sieren.

Garrett Greiner placed ninth high individual in sheep. The team placed third in sheep and 18th overall.

Livestock judging involves evaluating and ranking four animals per class based on their desirable traits compared to an ideal animal. Contests typically include breeding and market animals such as cattle, swine, sheep and goats. Participants present their rankings and reasons to a judge, earning points for both individual and team placements.

“We have multiple practice judging workouts throughout the summer at farms within the county and appreciate the hosts, as they help us prepare for local and state contests,” Greiner said.

Benton County Quiz Bowl Team.
(left to right) Andrew Pingenot, Makenna Burmeister, Hannah Siek, Jillian Hanson and Benjamin Rosauer. (Image courtesy of ISU)

Benton County 4-H members Andrew Pingenot, Makenna Burmeister, Hannah Siek, Jillian Hanson and Benjamin Rosauer participated in the national 4-H quiz bowl contest.

The livestock quiz bowl is a team event where youth test their knowledge of beef, sheep, swine and meat goats. Students use a buzzer to answer questions, and the teams compete in a double-elimination format by providing oral answers to questions presented by a moderator.

“Some of the most important skills that we have learned are communication skills and speaking in front of others,” said Peighton Ford.

Funding support for 4-H youth participation in national livestock competitions is provided by the Iowa 4-H Foundation and local support.

Contests at the national level encourage 4-H members to develop confidence, leadership and teamwork skills. Participating teams must qualify at their state’s top level of competition to secure an invitation to the event. For more information on the Iowa 4-H Youth Development program, please contact your ISU Extension and Outreach county office or visit the Iowa 4-H website.

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