CGD school closed for at least 4 weeks, won’t have to make up days

Late afternoon on Monday, Clarion-Goldfield-Dows announced that they would follow the recommendation of Governor Kim Reynolds and close school for the foreseeable future due to concerns about COVID-19. The district’s statement said, “School remains closed until further notice. The governor has closed schools in Iowa for four weeks.”

Reynolds made that recommendation on Sunday and reiterated in a press conference held Monday afternoon. During the press conference, Reynolds stated that, within Iowa, there is now “confirmed, substantial community spread” of COVID-19.

The governor’s request came with a pledge to sign legislation that would forgive 20 days of instruction of the 180-day requirement.  The district is currently assessing state and federal limitations and their impact on instruction.

For this closure period to effectively minimize the impact of COVID-19, students are expected to adhere to state and federal guidelines to limit travel, social gatherings, and contact with individuals with illness.  All buildings and other facilities are closed with the exception of the district office, open from 8:00am to 4:30pm.  To limit numbers, the district asks that individuals make appointments before coming to the district office.  Appointments may be made by calling 515-532-3423, option 4.

Following Sunday’s announcements from Governor Reynolds, all spring activities of Iowa’s high school Unified Activities partners – the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union, the Iowa High School Athletic Association, the Iowa High School Music Association, and the Iowa High School Speech Association – will be prohibited throughout the state’s K-12 school-recommended closure of four weeks.  Student-athletes and coaches are prohibited to conduct practices or even use practice fields and facilities during this four-week period.  Barring any extensions, classes and practices would be allowed to resume on Monday, April 13. 

Plans are being developed to allow limited access to buildings for students and staff to retrieve school-issued devices and personal items such as medications, instruments, and clothing.  Additionally, the school will be providing grab-and-go meals that will be delivered to designated locations.  The locations and times will be determined and shared via JMC emails and the Remind app.

Questions may be directed to Superintendent, Dr. Robert Olson at the district office 515-532-3423, option 4.



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