Supervisors work on Agribusiness Park matters

In the weekly COVID-19 update from the Emergency Operations Center, Sandy McGrath reported to the Wright County Board of Supervisors that, as of Monday morning, there were 429 positive cases in the county with 3,038 people having been tested. She added that there are 370 listed as having recovered, but that number lags a bit and she had personally reported 20 more recoveries over the weekend. McGrath said they are working with businesses to encourage signage about wearing masks. “We all have to do our part,” she emphasized. “Stay out of large crowds and wear a mask.”

            In the weekly conference call pertaining to the Agribusiness Park, it was noted that Reilly Construction has largely completed their work besides a few punch list items, so they will no longer participate on calls during the meeting. The board approved a change order increasing the contract for the water system at the park by $12,650. ISG engineer Kelly Evans added that two previous change orders decreased the contract by over $39,000, so the project is still below the original bid.

            After the regular meeting, the board held a workshop with the City of Eagle Grove and ISG concerning the wastewater contract at the Agribusiness Park.  The workshop was to discuss how wastewater services at the park will be taken care of since Eagle Grove will be providing that. Nate Brockman, Eagle Grove’s Wastewater Superintendent, noted that businesses housed at the park will have to complete an industrial water survey to enter into a wastewater agreement with Eagle Grove that needs to be approved by the DNR as well.

            Later in the afternoon, the board held another workshop with Ennis Trucking concerning details and construction at the Agribusiness Park. No final decisions were voted on as they have to take place at a regular board meeting.



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