Clarion Veterans Day Program still planned, but will look different


Despite most area events being canceled, the Clarion Veterans Day Program is still scheduled to take place. The festivities will look quite different from previous years, however.

The program will still take place on November 11, which is a Wednesday this year. It will be held at 10 a.m. as usual. But this year, rather than taking place in the CGD gym, it will be held outside in the high school parking lot east of the gym in Clarion. It will also be a drive-in event, where attendees won’t even have to leave their vehicles.

VFW Commander Dennis Mraz explained that people are encouraged to come to the school a bit early to get a parking spot. They will then be directed to tune their radio into a particular station through which the program will be broadcasted. People will relax in their vehicles and enjoy the program which will take place on an elevated stage. Mraz adds that they are asking people to not leave their cars during the event.

Though this is a different format, Mraz says people will still enjoy many of the same elements as previous years. The VFW and American Legion will be represented, including their leaders giving short speeches. Musical tributes will be heard, and the elementary students are still planning special additions. And of course, the crowd will enjoy a 21-gun-salute.

Mraz said, “With so many things canceled this year because of COVID, we really wanted to make this happen. We’re excited to be able to offer the program in some form.” He added though that there will be no meal afterwards like in the past.

Instead, Wright County veterans will be able to pick up a free pork loin roast courtesy of Iowa Select Farms on Veterans Day between 4:30 pm and 5:30 p.m. at the Freedom Rock in Dows.



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