Board hears about slow vaccines, picks sign company


In her weekly update during the Wright County Board of Supervisors meeting, Sandy McGrath said the overall COVID count for the county sat at 1,585 as of Monday. Vaccinations continue. She noted that last week’s allocation of the Moderna vaccine was 100 doses rather than the previous weeks allocation of 200. Those 100 doses were also late and had not been received by the end of last week. McGrath added that the county was marked for 200 more doses this week.

She confirmed that all nursing homes in the county, including residents and staff, have been vaccinated now. This occurred through a partnership with major pharmacies rather than through the supply allocated to the county, per earlier agreement.

She is expecting to start receiving the booster doses next week for those who’ve gotten the first one. They are still in the 1A group. McGrath said the state decides when they can begin vaccinating the 1B group, which she guesses will be into February. The 1B group will include those 75 and older, fire, law enforcement, teachers, and major manufacturers.

The board reviewed quotes for a sign at the Agribusiness Park. They had sought quotes from three companies and received two back. The first was from Terry and Bob’s Sign Company out of Goldfield. Bob Rasmussen explained the design for a 3×8 foot sign that is brick and LED lit. The proposed sign is L-shaped so has two faces. The estimate was around $15,000. Other samples and quotes were submitted by Nagle Signs out of Marshalltown. They ranged from $10-$20,000. The board liked Terry and Bob’s design better since it was larger and multi-directional. The board voted to go with them, with Supervisor Rick Rasmussen abstaining from the vote.

Pathfinders Strategic Partners (formerly known as MIDAS Council of Governments) joined the meeting to give their annual update. Kathy Pfiffner, director, introduced several team members and explained some of the services that Pathfinders provides for the county. These include transit service and economic and community development. They will also help with any county redistricting that will be required given census results.

In other business, the board approved a resolution establishing a 25-mph speed limit on 275th Street East of Hwy 69, between Hwy 69 and Sycamore Ave. They decided not to add anyone to the Eminent Domain Commission at this time since it is in compliance with state code as is.  They also approved a pay request to Beemer Companies for the Agribusiness Water Supply for $62,660.



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