German runs for FFA district office


Paige German is currently a junior at Clarion Goldfield Dows high school. You can find Paige involved in almost every single opportunity that CGD provides. She is active with the Student Council serving as president and as chapter reporter in her local FFA chapter to name a few. Paige has shown great leadership in the FFA and has led many committees through her time in the FFA. This year she is taking on the challenge of running for North Central District FFA office. It has been approximately 24 years since a Clarion-Goldfield-Dows FFA member has run for a district office. In preparation, Paige has had the opportunity to work with local community individuals in preparing for the interview process.  The CGD FFA chapter thanks Paige for going outside her boundaries and taking the next level of leadership in the National FFA organization. 




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