Local rock enthusiast takes CGD Rocks south

Last fall, the Monitor reported on a couple local rock-hunting groups in the area. One was CGD Rocks, an effort started by Kaira Downing, that quickly became a fun activity enjoyed by many. One of those folks who got into not only rock hunting, but also painting and hiding rocks was Patty LaRue.

Patty and her husband Keith live in Clarion but are snowbirds. She said they have been heading south for the winter for the last four years, now finding themselves in Tempe, Arizona. Patty said they enjoyed participating in CGD Rocks in Clarion with their grandchildren so much, that they decided to take it on the road. “We have grandchildren here (in Arizona) and wanted the same experience with them too,” Patty said.  

She explained that there are other rock groups where they winter, but they wanted to stick with CGD Rocks to see that effort spread. “We thought it would be fun to see how many people post on that site when they find rocks down here,” Patty added.

She noted that rainy weather in Arizona last month gave them plenty of rock painting time. “We have hidden two batches so far with more we are working on! It is a very addictive activity!”  She added that they are working on a batch to put at her grandkids’, Jude and Dane’s, school. They hope it brings joy to the boys’ teachers, as everyone there has been homeschooled this entire year.

Downing, who started the CGD Rocks group, was pleased that Patty is continuing with the group outside of Iowa. She said, “I think it is awesome that she is spreading the fun across the states! We could use more beauty in the world today. I think when you find a rock from another town or state, it makes it feel extra special and will put smiles on faces!”

Patty noted that the Arizona weather is looking up, so she hopes to be able to get outdoors and do some golfing. Of course, she added that they always keep their eyes on the ground. You never know when you’ll find a good rock to paint!



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