The CGD FFA chapter celebrated National FFA Week in style from February 20 – 27 with dress up days and traveling to SubDistrict contests. Their week looked a little different this year due to COVID and not being able to hold the regular Faculty Breakfast and visit the elementary school students, but they did host a coloring contest for the elementary.
During the SubDistrict contest, CGD had seven freshman members participate in Conduct of Meetings; Nyla Wibholm, Lucas Parcel, Elizabeth Hodson, Paige Brooks, Delainey Fedkenheur-Kockorsky, Sydney Friesleben and Sawyer Morrical who received Silver and were selected as the alternates to districts. They also had two individuals compete, one in Creed Speaking, with Yuri Almanza receiving Gold and advancing to districts and Kara Legleiter participating in Ag Broadcasting receiving Silver and selected as alternate to districts.
The CGD FFA recognized their members receiving their Greenhand and Chapter Degree at the annual Degree ceremony during the week. The ceremony recognizes those students in their quest on the Degree ladder through the National FFA Organization. The CGD FFA chapter recognized 16 members for receiving their Greenhand Degree and 20 receiving their Chapter Degree.