Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics in Belmond and Clarion generates 589 jobs that add $43,758,141 to Wright County’s economy, according to the latest study by the Iowa Hospital Association. In addition, Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics employees by themselves spend $6,147,172 in retail sales and contribute $368,830 in state sales tax revenue.
The IHA study examines the jobs, income, retail sales, and sales tax produced by hospitals and the rest of the state’s health care sector. The study was compiled from hospital-submitted data on the American Hospital Association’s Annual Survey of Hospitals and with software that other industries have used to determine their economic impact.
The study found that Iowa hospitals directly employ 76,169 people. As an income source, hospitals provide $5.3 billion in salaries and benefits, which contributes approximately $2.1 billion to the economy through retail sales and sales tax.