WC Board of Health lifts mask requirement

The Wright County Board of Health has reviewed current emergency public health measures enacted on March 16, 2021.  Groups at high risk for severe illness from COVID-19 have had the opportunity to receive COVID-19 vaccinations and adequate vaccines are available for all adults. Currently 32.6% of Wright County residents are fully vaccinated, while 27% of Iowans are fully vaccinated. A higher proportion has received at least the first dose of vaccination. 

Based on these facts, the Wright County Board of Health has lifted the requirement for masks in all public indoor spaces in Wright County, effective immediately.

As COVID-19 continues to circulate, it remains recommended for masks to be worn when there is potential for close contact with unvaccinated individuals. Businesses and other organizations may keep in place more stringent requirements as is appropriate for their situation.

The COVID-19 vaccine is now available to all residents above 16 years for Pfizer and 18 years for Moderna and Janssen. Please contact the Wright County Health Department, Iowa Specialty Hospital and Clinics, Thrifty White Pharmacy or Eagle Pharmacy for assistance scheduling your vaccination or watch for online options and appointment hours. COVID-19 vaccination will help keep you from getting COVID-19, decrease spread of COVID-19 and end the pandemic. Vaccination is far safer than accepting the risk of natural infection even for young and healthy adults.

Please get tested if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or having been exposed to a COVID-19 person. 



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