At the meeting of the Clarion Unit #246 of the American Legion Auxiliary on May 10, an initiation ceremony was held to welcome new members to the organization. Officers and Laurie Harrison helped with the initiation. Milissa Katschke, Jenny Kreitlow, Karen Newman and Gladys Riley took part in the service. Jo Ann Kramer introduced the four principles of the organization, Justice, Freedom, Democracy and Loyalty. Each member received a poppy, a Flag Code booklet, a copy of the Constitution and new member information. The chaplain reviewed the emblem of the American Legion Auxiliary exemplifying the hope of freedom and demonstrating Americanism. Unable to attend were Fern Spellmeyer and Molly Champion. Pictured, left to right, are Karen Newman, Gladys Riley, Jenny Kreitlow and Milissa Katschke, Laurie Harrison is the Sgt of Arms and Jo Ann Kramer initiating officer. Photo provided