At a meeting Monday night of the Clarion Child Care Committee, the group was presented with a proforma that explained some early projected revenues and expenses for a childcare center that may be on the horizon. Kids Korner Daycare Center is exploring options as they contemplate their future.
The proforma was put together and presented to the committee by various childcare experts including Mary Janssen, Regional Director of Child Care Resource & Referral of Northeast Iowa, and Dan Levi of the Black Hawk County Child Care Coalition. Janssen and Levi discussed various financial pieces with the group, including general expenses, increased staff wages, and business partnerships. They also talked about the need to increase capacity to closer to 110 kids (from around 90 now).
At this point, there still seems to be more questions than answers. The group talked about how to retain current employees and attract new ones. They considered questions like if they could offer insurance to employees. They also talked about changing rate structures for care. Levi noted that difficult decisions will likely need to be made. “You have to make tough choices and not everyone is going to be happy,” he said. “We need to run this as a business in a financially stable way or it won’t exist.”
The experts noted that the proforma presented Monday is by no means the final word. Levi added that it is very difficult to make true projections without knowing where a childcare center may be located in the future and how much whatever building may cost if Kids Korner moves out of the elementary building. Still, Levi did strike a hopeful chord during the presentation. “If we can increase capacity and garner partnerships within the community, the numbers don’t look bad,” Levi noted.
The committee also briefly talked about potential county COVID relief money that they may have access to. A $2.4 million package has been allocated to Wright County from the American Relief Plan. “We are doing our due diligence…looking at the best way to spend the money…and the needs of Wright County daycares are on that list,” said Supervisor Karl Helgevold during a tour of Eagles Wings Daycare Center in Eagle Grove last week.
Relief money must be spent by 2024, in accordance with federal guidelines. Wright County received half of the money, $1.2 million, now in July, and will receive the other half of the money next year. “I personally would like to see equal funding given to all three county daycare centers,” said Helgevold. Additionally, the Supervisors are looking to help the daycares of Wright County with permanent solution that extend beyond the availability of COVID monies.
Even if they receive help from county COVID funds, the future of Kids Korner and childcare in Clarion remains to be seen. Levi said that the next step for the committee is to enter into an agreed upon strategy. “We need a consistent message where everyone is on board and then we [the experts] can put a plan together to help you move forward,” he noted.
According to Tony Miller, Kids Korner Board President, “We are thinking about a phased approach with short term and long-term goals. The main short-term goal is keeping Kids Korner in the community. Our board has been working on a direction for a location and are continuing to work to bring the long-term goal of an early learning center to fruition.” The committee promised Levi and Janssen that they would be in touch with them soon as they work out the direction they hope to go.