The September 11 Patriots’ Day Remembrance and Prayer Ceremony was held at the Wright County Freedom Rock, Dows, Iowa, on Saturday with over 110 in attendance. American Legion Post 523 Commander Bill Chambers welcomed the county residents. Post Chaplain Richard Echelberger gave the Fireman’s Prayer as the invocation. The ceremony included a brief description of the events of 9/11 and the number of firemen, police, emergency responders, military and civilians killed during the terrorist attacks.
Mark Thompson, Belmond, retired Marine Commander and Clarion Legion Post Vice Commander gave a very patriotic and inspiring speech to encourage everyone to serve their communities and to get involved in preserving their constitutional rights.
Bill Heiden, Dows Fire Chief, rang the Freedom Bell seven times to represent the fireman killed. Deputy Tony Pieczko, Eagle Grove, from the Wright County Sheriff’s department attended. However, he was called away during the ceremony due to a service call. In his place, Chambers rang the freedom bell seven times to represent the police and first responders killed. Clarion Post Commander Steve Nichols and Allyn Christiansen rang the freedom bell seven times to represent the military and civilians killed. Nathan Stuck played taps.
Chaplin Richard Echelberger gave a benediction. There were very few dry eyes in the crowd. The Dows Legion provided a freewill lunch, and the proceeds will go towards the Wright County Freedom Rock.
Commander Bill Chambers noted that he was extremely proud to see so many people from all over the County attend and to show their respect for all those killed on 9/11. ALWAYS REMEMBER.