Holmes, Iowa has arrived at Heartland Museum! Many of Wright County’s small towns have had displays at the museum over the years, but Holmes had not. Dan Odland, board member and volunteer, coordinated the effort during spring of 2021 to bring Holmes to the museum.
Odland said, “The history of the grain businesses has changed so much over the past few decades. It is important to show our visitors some of those changes.” Odland grew up north of Holmes, on land his family owned since the 1890s. The history of Holmes includes the Chicago Rock Island railroad coming through in 1881, with the post office built in 1885 and the depot in 1890. In the early 1900’s, Holmes boasted 14 businesses, which included two elevators (east and west), hardware, general store, blacksmith, harness, bank and hotel. The Lutheran and Baptist churches have been in operation for 120 years and are still active.
The display includes the Fairbanks-Morse scale used in the Holmes elevator office, the original counter built of beadboard in the 1930s, a replica of the elevator, and various photos and advertising items. The Holmes depot sign and the Post Office sign are part of the display.
The Holmes display is evolving, and if anyone has pictures or things that would fit the display, they can call the museum at 515-602-6000.