Commercial and confinement manure applicators needing to recertify and those wanting to certify for the first time should attend the Dry Manure Applicator’s Workshop scheduled on Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Community Center in Dows. Pre-registration is required. There is no fee to attend but both commercial and confinement applicators should pre-register by February 14, by contacting the Wright County ISU Extension Office at ph. 515-532-3453. Businesses that primarily truck or haul manure of any type or from any source are also required to meet certification requirements. The workshop will provide the required three hours of annual training. Topics to be covered include rules for applicators as well as land-application requirements, snow/frozen ground regulations, spill response, compaction, biosecurity, manure application uniformity updates, team communication, manure safety, and evaluation review.
All current certified manure applicator licenses expire March 1, 2022. Those wanting to renew must complete training requirements and submit forms and fee to the DNR prior to March 1, 2022, to avoid paying late fees. County extension offices will be charging a $10 fee to applicators choosing to view the certification materials on a non-scheduled reshow day at the county extension office.
The workshop is sponsored by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. For more information, contact Wright County ISU Extension at ph. 515-532-3453 or email or go to