Council approves property tax levy

At their March 1 meeting, the Clarion City Council held a public hearing on their maximum property tax rate. For the third year per Iowa code, all cities (and other government entities) are required to pass a resolution establishing their maximum property tax dollars for certain levies. The “Maximum Levy” applies to certain individual levies that the city uses, which contribute to the overall tax levy. But it should be noted that not all levies are included in this calculation. The law created a 2% threshold that applies to the revenue derived from certain levies.

After the public hearing, the council approved the maximum levy increase of 2.29%, up from 2.14% last year. Explanation for the increases note increases in property/casualty insurance, health insurance and lower property valuation due to state rollbacks. No comments were made during the public hearing and the council voted to adopt the proposed property tax levy. Check back in the Monitor in the upcoming week for more on the city’s budget. The budget hearing will be held March 22.

The council also passed a resolution awarding contracts for the Early Learning Center project. Contracts for the seven different parts of the project were awarded to Hilsabeck Schacht, Hennigar Construction, Rojohn Home Improvement, Webster Glass, Jim’s Carpet One, NCIS, and CEC Electric.

The council talked about the nuisances on the Hansen properties. The nuisances against three properties were previously given until the end of February to be abated. The owner informed the city that two of the properties were sold and therefore will be cleaned up in the upcoming weeks. In the meantime, the city will look for a company to do clean up on the properties if necessary later in March.

In other council business, the group authorized advertisement for bids for the airport fuel facility project where the plan is to essentially install a self-service fuel station at the airport. The project will be covered largely, and possibly completely, by FFA and COVID funds. A change order and final payments to Reding were approved for past water main work.

The next city council meeting will be held March 22, a week later than normal, due to publishing requirements for the budget.


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