‘Above the call of duty’- Rosendahl receives Educator of Year Award

“One of the goals of the American Legion has always been to work in cooperation with schools who assist veterans, their families and local communities. Some educators have gone above the call of duty and promoted the aims and purposes of The American Legion of Iowa. These educators have a unique opportunity within our schools to instill patriotism and respect for the flag.”-American Legion of Iowa Educator of the Year Application materials

Tricia Rosendahl, the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Elementary Principal, is one of those educators. Many locals know of Rosendahl’s efforts on behalf of veterans and veterans’ organizations, but now she is being recognized on a much larger stage. Rosendahl was recently named recipient of The American Legion of Iowa’s 2022 Educator of the Year award.

CGD’s Elementary Principal has been an educator for almost three decades. Through the years, Rosendahl has dedicated a great deal of time to honoring veterans with the help of her students. The epitome of this is the Veteran’s Day program that the CGD students participate in every November. From Kindergarten to fifth graders, all the students contribute to the importance of the day.

For the program, the younger grades make festive decorations and write thank you letters to the veterans. At a special moment in the program, third graders move around the crowd, giving veterans a firm handshake and thanking them for their service, often provoking a few tears. In a particularly solemn part of the event, the fourth graders perform the “white table ceremony,” honoring the missing and fallen. Fifth graders work together to demonstrate flag folding, complete with an explanation of the folds.

Rosendahl explains that the students enjoy participating in the program. “We do a lot of preparation with the students and teachers, and they feel so proud about it,” she said.  “But, in the end, it’s not really about us. It’s about our veterans and the community.”

Rosendahl’s dedication to veterans was especially evident during the 2020 Veteran’s Day program at CGD. Due to concerns associated with COVID, the event was held outside in the school parking lot, requiring an even greater level of planning and support. Thanks to Rosendahl and her students, most parts of the regular program were able to be held, even as people were watching from vehicles and listening on their radios. The event was recognized on a local, state and even national level in a time when most Veteran’s Day programs were canceled.

In addition to all that she does for the Veteran’s Day program, Rosendahl also promotes veterans, Americanism and patriotism in other ways in the school and community. Her students say “The Pledge of Allegiance” daily. The CGD fifth graders annually perform The National Anthem at an Iowa Cubs game, and practice by singing the anthem weekly during the school announcements. “I think it’s meaningful to do all these things,” said Rosendahl. “We do them so the students understand why this country is so great.”

Even outside of her efforts at CGD, Rosendahl works to honor veterans. As the Wright County Fair Manager, she also organizes a special program at the fair honoring vets. It is similar to the CGD Veteran’s Day event, but all veterans county-wide and beyond are recognized at it.

Rosendahl’s efforts are appreciated by her community, including by the Post Commanders of the Clarion, Goldfield and Dows American Legions. The local Legions chose to nominate the principal for the Legion Educator of the Year Award, because, as they put it on the nomination letter, “Rosendahl has been a stalwart and consistent leader, not only in the education community, but for veteran recognition within the Clarion, Dows, Goldfield School District as well. She is the gold standard for veterans' recognition.”

Other local officials agree with this sentiment. Dennis Mraz, Commander of the Clarion VFW, said in his recommendation letter, “It has been a pleasure working with Tricia to make each Veteran's Day celebration something special. It honors both our veterans and gives our young people an example of honor and patriotism. It is not every school district that has such an energetic principal that works so hard for both students and veterans.”

CGD Superintendent Joe Nelson shared those feelings and especially complimented Rosendahl on her efforts for the 2020 Veteran’s Day program during COVID. “This assembly was a great source of community pride at a time when our three communities needed a boost during the pandemic,” Nelson said in a letter of recommendation for the award. “Tricia deserves a great deal of credit for coordinating this event. Without her leadership this event simply wouldn't have taken place.”

Because of such efforts, Rosendahl has been recognized by the state American Legion with the Educator of the Year award. Timothy McLaughlin, American Legion of Iowa Americanism Commission Chairman, wrote in Rosendahl’s award letter, “You have gone above and beyond by promoting the aims and purposes of the American Legion of Iowa, serving as a role model, and instilling patriotism and Americanism in our youth. We are grateful to you for all you do for your students and community in your calling.”

For her part, Rosendahl feels honored and overwhelmed by the award. “It’s so humbling,” she emphasized. “What we do here in the school every day is what we need to do. We owe our veterans a debt of gratitude. They deserve all the accolades we can give them.”

Rosendahl has been invited to accept her award at the annual American Legion convention in July in Des Moines. At the convention, she will have the opportunity to give an address to the delegation. No doubt Rosendahl will be as humble as ever about her efforts to instill patriotism in her young students and beyond. “In the end, this is really an award for our school, the community and the veterans,” concluded Rosendahl.



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