“Journalism allows its readers to witness history; fiction gives its readers an opportunity to live it.” – John Hersey
As most of you might have noticed, there is a new name along with the editor title above your local news stories. I am Amanda Rink and I am the recently hired news editor at the Wright County Monitor. I am excited to be here and wanted to make sure to take a moment for you all to get to know a little bit about me.
I was raised in Belmond, Iowa. As a true small-town resident, the first question you would ask me if we were face to face is, who are your parents? The second question would be who are your grandparents or maybe siblings? My maiden name is Morris, I have a few siblings that I claim and I do adore my parents who still reside in Belmond. I graduated from CGD, married my husband youngish, and gained two daughters in the process. We had a son, I adopted my daughter and had my youngest daughter just recently. I have held various job titles, my favorite of those being librarian. I will graduate from Iowa Central Community College in late 2023. I plan to attend The University of Iowa in 2024 with a focus on Creative Writing.
I have always loved to write. In grade school, I tried to publish my own one-page ‘newspaper’. It was shut down after one of the paraeducators did not agree with my fashion editorial. That same year I misunderstood an essay assignment and wrote an excellent fictional piece on my love for America, instead of a nonfiction essay professing my undying adoration for my great country. I am most certain it was well written. It was probably the best essay the panel reviewed. If you happen to have a copy of that piece, please burn it.
When I am not writing, I am often procrastinating about folding the laundry. If I am not doing those enthralling activities, chances are I am standing in my kitchen wondering what I walked in there for while one of my children, or husband, talks my ear off about their latest endeavor. I also love to read because obviously. I used to only read horror, but then 2020 happened and as it turns out, romance novels aren’t too bad. I love music and exploring nature. I take an unbiased approach to life and like to keep things simple. I am very funny, just ask my family.
Once I set my mind on writing as a career, and not just for enjoyment, this amazing opportunity to become an editor fell into my lap. I am absolutely thrilled to start my professional writing career in my local community! If you or someone you know has an idea for an article, please reach out to me.