Paschen’s Call to Action for Iowa’s AEA: “What the Heck is Going on in Des Moines?”

On Tuesday, March 26, Iowa Senate Republicans voted to gut Area Education Agencies (AEAs), which are vital to the success of all students, but especially to our children who have special learning needs. The AEAs have worked well for Iowa families since the program was signed into law by Gov. Robert Ray. The legislation was written in part by US Senator Charles Grassley.


Since the Senate Republicans' introduction, the message has been loud and clear across the state: WE DON'T WANT THIS! School administrators, teachers, parents, and students have all been saying the same thing. 


Iowans deserve better.  

We can't have another year of Republicans gutting vital programs that our families rely on.  

Iowa House and Senate Democrats have been and continue to be fighters for a better deal for all Iowans. 


Last week, Republicans said that Democrats voted against increasing teachers' pay. This is a misleading and deceitful statement because this same bill also included gutting the AEA system and underfunding public education for the coming school year. The consequences are already making headlines: Cuts to staff, schools closing, and fewer choices for our students and families. The effects will be most profound in rural Iowa, where populations have dropped, and counties will be forced to raise property taxes.


Senator Dennis Guth, R, Klemme voted just as Gov. Reynolds told him to, with the Republican majority. Three brave Senate Republicans voted with the Democrats, after receiving thousands of emails, phone calls, and pleas from their constituents. 


Iowans ask me over and over, "Why are my legislators and our governor not listening to us?" Honestly, some of these men and women believe they were elected to serve Kim Reynolds. As any Iowan who took a High School Government class knows, our elected officials are elected to serve the men, women, and children of their communities. It doesn't matter if you voted for Dennis Guth or not, he was elected to listen to our concerns and work to solve real Iowa problems.


If elected in November, I will work with our public school teachers, our superintendents, our school boards, and our AEAs to improve public education in the state I love.


Both parties will hold primary elections on June 4. You must be registered with either the Democratic or the Republican party to vote in their respective primary elections. We are having a lively primary season, with primaries for Sheriff, legislative seats, and county boards of supervisors. Gov. Reynolds has recruited primary opponents to run against Republicans who are not in lockstep with her on the issues.


Cynthia Paschen is a Democrat from Hamilton County, running for the Iowa Senate, District 28. You can contact her at or 515.509.1034. 




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