Q + A with County Supervisor Candidates: District 1

April 10, 2024 (Wright County, Iowa) 


Greg Schipull, a long-time Goldfield resident, is a candidate for District 1 of Wright County on the Wright County Board of Supervisors. Schipull, who identifies with the Republican party, has a skill set he feels would provide him with a certain ease in helping to manage the county. He worked as a supervisor for twenty years at EDS of Clarion before its closure. Afterward, he provided private consulting for Fortune 500 companies such as Dell, FedEx, and Procter & Gamble. He worked to fix issues at the ground level. Since Greg has worked throughout the United States and Canada, he feels he would be equipped to handle the unique demographic of Wright County. 

Why are you running for Wright County Board of Supervisors? 

I am running because I believe in fiscal responsibility. I want to ensure tax dollars are being spent wisely. The Supervisors need to attract new businesses into our counties to provide more tax dollars for improving the communities. This would be a goal of mine if I am to be elected. 


How do you plan to approach budgetary decisions as a county supervisor, balancing fiscal responsibility while meeting the needs of various county departments and programs?

Personally, I’ve approached things in the past as “digging in the weeds”. What I mean by this term is, you can’t just make rash choices. You need to gather the most information you can, dig in the weeds, to make the best-informed decision to spend tax dollars. I’ve often found when you work with people who manage these large companies, they aren’t getting involved with the issues or the people they’re managing, and that is what I do best. 


How do you plan to ensure equitable access to public services across different communities within the county?

While I am running for District One, I would represent the entire county. One would need to consider how choices benefit other districts in our county, not only where their seat is located. 


How would you engage with citizens to understand their needs and concerns, and how would you advocate for them at the county level?

I plan to attend the Republican County Party meetings to keep an open dialogue with those I represent. I am always open to conversation through phone and email. 


What is your strategy to build relationships with state and federal officials to advance the interests of our county?

I have already started forming relationships with Representative Thompson and Senator Guth. I plan to keep that relationship open by seeking their input, sharing information about our county’s needs, and attending their meetings and town halls.


Rick Rasmussen, a Wright County resident for 60 years, has held various government positions. He was on the Goldfield City Council, Mayor of the city of Goldfield, and manager of law enforcement for 13 years. “I have served on numerous boards and committees including the Library Board, E911 Enhancement Committee, Central Iowa Detention Board, UDOM Board, and many others,” Rasmussen shared with The Wright County Monitor. 

Rasmussen has most notably served on the Wright County Board of Supervisors for 12 years and has owned and operated a local business for the last 31 years. 


Why are you running for Wright County Board of Supervisors? What is the one change you hope to bring about in Wright County?

I’m running in the hopes of keeping Wright County at the forefront of innovation, as we have been over the past several years. We have made decisions that have set precedent utilized as a model for other counties.  I would like to focus on bringing in new businesses to the county, which ‌would produce more jobs for our citizens.


What area would you represent and for what party?

I represent District 1, by geography only, and will be running as a Republican. However, as a Board of Supervisor, my focus has always been, and will continue to be, on what is in the best interest of all the citizens of Wright County, regardless of party or location.


How do you plan to approach budgetary decisions as a county supervisor, balancing fiscal responsibility while meeting the needs of various county departments and programs?

The passage of HF718 has made this a difficult question to respond to. The State of Iowa continues to hand out unfunded mandates and budgetary restrictions, leaving counties to figure it out. This has led the Wright County Board of Supervisors to make some difficult decisions for the upcoming fiscal year and will continue to impact future budget discussions. To date, we have been able to continue to meet the needs of all county departments and programs.


How do you plan to ensure equitable access to public services across different communities within the county?

It has been the practice of the Wright County Board of Supervisors to provide fair and equitable treatment, services, and opportunities to all the communities within the county. If I’m re-elected, I will continue to advocate for this practice.


What initiatives would you prioritize to promote economic growth and job creation in our county?

The Wright County Board of Supervisors has a close working relationship with Wright County Economic Development and the local City Administrators. We work hard to promote and incentive Wright County as a great place to start your business and raise your family.  


How would you engage with citizens to understand their needs and concerns, and how would you advocate for them at the county level?

I’m always available and practice active listening. I encourage my constituents to contact me with their questions and concerns and will address them to the best of my ability every single time.


What is your strategy to build relationships with state and federal officials to advance the interests of our county?

Connecting with our local legislators and keeping the lines of communication open is key. We must maintain these relationships so that our local voices may be heard on the hill. I attend several conferences annually and communicate with Capitol lobbyists to ensure that the voice of Wright County is heard in Des Moines.



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