A Letter From The Editor…

As an attendee of most of the Clarion City Council meetings, I cannot help but to appreciate the small town charm felt in the City Chambers every first and third Tuesday of the month. 


The council members know each other and often share personal banter and laughs in between discussing important city issues. It is refreshing to see local politicians who do not take themselves too seriously. Honestly, for a small town with not much going on…it is free entertainment.


 Instances like this are where someone who lives in a town of roughly 2,694 can really appreciate small town atmospheres and the honest approachability of our local representatives. 


I highly recommend more public attendance at City Council meetings, even if you do not have an issue to address. I promise you, you will leave the small Chambers with a smile on your face and a new appreciation for the small town you’re in. 


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