January 27, 2025
The Board of Supervisors met as Drainage District Trustees. To view the minutes from the drainage meeting, see the Drainage District minutes on the County website.
Chairman Rasmussen called the regular meeting of the Wright County Board of Supervisors to order at 9:03 a.m. Members present were Rasmussen, Kluss, Bosch, Loux and Ellis.
Motion by Kluss and seconded by Bosch to approve the tentative agenda with item 9, receive Treasurer semiannual report, tabled until next week. Motion carries.
Minutes of the previous regular meeting of January 20, 2025 were read and approved with taking out the detailed drainage minutes.
Approved claims for payment.
In open forum for public input, Julie Glade addressed the board about citizens being concerned about the Summit Carbon Pipelines going through Wright County. She would like the board to approve protection ordinances with setbacks. She would also like the board to go on record with their position on approving protection ordinances. Supervisor Kluss stated that the board had previously made their position clear. He then went on to explain that the Wright County Planning and Zoning Commission Board is working on an ordinance, but it has been put on hold while other counties go through litigation due to their ordinances. The Board of Supervisors said they will reach out to our Planning and Zoning Director.
Also, in open forum for public input, LeRoy Jensen asked for more details on some claims paid by the County that were published in the newspaper. After receiving the information, he was informed that we only have a small space to enter details, but anyone can go to the Auditor’s office and request more information.
Adam Clemons, Wright County Engineer, gave an update on the current bridge construction and Secondary Roads department.
Discussion was had regarding the County paying the annual membership fees to the IACME (Iowa Association of County Medical Examiners) for Wright County Medical Examiners. Motion by Kluss and seconded by Ellis to approve paying for the annual membership fees. Motion carries.
The Board gave updates about meetings they had attended. Dean Kluss attended a MIDAS meeting and also attended the Wright County Landfill meeting. Rick Rasmussen attended the Central Iowa Juvenile Detention Center meeting. Lynn Loux attended the Wright County Landfill meeting. Ashley Bosch attended the CICS, and DCAT meetings. The Supervisors will all attend the Statewide Supervisor meeting in Des Moines on Thursday.
Motion by Kluss and seconded by Bosch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carries.
Rick Rasmussen, Chairman
Wright County Board of Supervisors
Deb Lukes, Wright County Deputy Auditor
Published in the Wright County Monitor on February 13, 2025