Iowa River Players are lettin’ the good times roll at an upcoming concert!

The official motto of New Orleans is “Let the good times roll” and that philosophy is reflected in the traditional NOLA Christmas trees decorated in purple, green, and gold to start the Mardi Gras season at Christmastime, which we Iowans would call “early.”

IRP’s March 1 concert is the Saturday evening just before  the literal “Fat Tuesday,”( a bit early.)

Socializing starts at 6:30 with live music set for 7:30. King & Queen Cakes will be featured on the buffet table with other complimentary snacks and drinks. No need to reserve tickets, the Rowan Events Center can seat 199 guests. Come one, come all to the Mardi Gras Ball! Admission is free but any “Roof Raising” donations will be graciously accepted!

A word about authenticity: in researching the customs of the South, IRP folks found that seasonal parties can be elegant and formal or relaxed to the max. Some may choose “head to toe” glitter, or it’s just as proper to pull on one’s favorite jeans and some plastic beads. And for a donation, fancy eye masks will be available at the door! (Pandemic masks are still free.)

You may have heard that IRP has had an increasingly leaky roof since Nature insisted upon invading the building in 2020, after a series of futile human attempts at repairs. After some minor setbacks (Covid, among others) the conviction grew that the still useful and beloved performance venue should not perish from neglect and lack of funds. It has old-style dignity and it will be spared from becoming a roofless eyesore that would be a danger for anyone curious enough to go near it.

In November some of the individuals pictured in the above poster generously became partners in the IRP fundraising roof project. Audiences and performers alike deeply appreciated the gift of music in an auditorium where the music deserved center stage.

The audience said, “When can we do this again?” And the musicians said, “Set the date.”

Terri Avery and Rob Arnold have joined Brad Revland, Mark Havens, and Caleb Avery in making music happen again. All are preparing for a full house, so everyone you know is being invited to “laissez les bons temps rouler” and bring a friend!



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