Superintendent shares student stats and a new leadership hire

Amanda Rink, Editor

At the most recent Clarion-Goldfield-Dows school board meeting, Superintendent Joseph Nelson provided important updates on the district’s academic calendar, staffing changes, and student enrollment, giving board members and the community a clear picture of the most current happenings at the district level. 

One of the most pressing issues Nelson addressed was the state-imposed cap on virtual learning days, which limits schools to five per school year. CGD has already used two, and the district is keeping an eye on whether additional virtual days might be needed. The use of virtual, or e-learning, days on what would otherwise be counted as missed school days, helps the district stay on track with existing schedules for summer school and sports. 

The district is waiting on guidance from the state on when the new school year can officially begin. Local districts no longer have control over the start dates, leaving uncertainty for many. But Nelson hopes to have an answer by the next board meeting. 

Staffing remains a top priority, with several open positions to be filled across the district. “We’re looking for the best and brightest,” Nelson said. One key hire has already been made, with Adam Vorrie stepping in as the new high school principal for the 2025/2026 school year. Meanwhile, the search for a new Activities Director is moving along. 

Interviews are scheduled for Monday, and Nelson hopes to finalize an offer by Tuesday, meaning an official announcement should be made by the time this article is published in the print edition of The Wright County Monitor. 

In a bit of postive news, student enrollment has seen an uptick, with eight more students joining the district compared to last month. 


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