The Clarion-Goldfield-Dows CSD and CGDEA meet on Tuesday, February 25, 2025. Attending the meeting was Troy Seaba, Elizabeth Severson, Craig Warnke, Megan Ring, Loren Lienemann, Jenny Smith, Rachel Sido, Wright County Monitor Editor Amanda Rink, Superintendent Joe Nelson, Elementary Principal Jared Carder, and Board Secretary Anita Frye.
President Seaba called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M.
President Seaba led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Open Forum: No one addressed the board.
Motion by Ring to Approve the Agenda. Second by Severson. Motion carried 4-0.
Superintendent Nelson delivered the CGD District Response and Initial Proposal as follows.
1. Proposal for a one-year contract with an increase of 5% on Salaries.
The district acknowledges the importance of competitive wages in today’s education atmosphere. The district has strived to compensate employees in a manner that shows appreciation for their dedication and hard work.
In response to CGDEA proposal, the district will not be able to meet the request for a 5% increase in wages, as the district will not be receiving new money based are the 2%-2.25% SSA increase being discussed in the legislation.
The district would like to counteroffer with a proposed two-year contract with a first-year average increase of 2.65%, that would include bringing the required salaries to the $50,000 and $62,000 minimum for employees, and the rest of the employees receiving a flat dollar increase of $1600.00.
The second-year average increase of 2.49%, that would include bringing minimum salaries of $50,000 and $62,000 for employees it pertains to, and the rest of the employees receiving a flat dollar increase of $1500.00.
Thus, making the two-year package increase of 5.06%.
If we can agree to the two-year package increase of 5.06% the district is willing to subtract one day from the required days of 191 contract days to 190 contract days.
Motion by Ring to Adjourn Open Negotiation Session. Second by Severson. Motion carried 4-0.
Open Meeting adjourned at 1:04 P.M. and the CGD District Team and CGDEA Team moved into exempt session.
Anita Frye, Board Secretary
Published in the Wright County Monitor on March 6, 2025