City of Clarion March 4, 2025 Minutes

The Clarion City Council met in regular session Tuesday March 4 th , 2025, at 5:00pm in the Council Chambers with Mayor Heiden presiding. Present were Council members Dave Flurer, Shayne Hennigar, and Mike Ennis (absent: Dan Hennigar & Nick McOllough). Also, in attendance City Administrator Clint Middleton, Attorney Zach Chizek, PWD Jon DeVries, and Chief Steve TerHark.
Mayor Heiden called the meeting to order and polled the council for any conflicts of interest with the agenda, there was none. Mayor Heiden asked if there were any citizens listed to address the council, there were none.
Motioned by Flurer seconded by S. Hennigar to approve consent agenda consisting of Minutes- 2025.02.18 & 2025.02.25 Special; Financial report- approve checks; Licenses/Permits- (Building, Liquor, Tobacco, Sign, Peddler, Street Closure) Nick McOllough (Motion passed 3-0, D. Hennigar & McOllough absent).
Motioned by S. Hennigar seconded by Flurer to open public hearing to dispose of Real Estate – Narber Properties (Motion passed 3-0). No comments were made. Motioned by Flurer seconded by Ennis to open public hearing
Motioned by Mike seconded by Shayne to approve Resolution (25-13) approving Pay Request #23 with Peterson Construction for WTP Project for $161,500.00 (Motion passed 3-2, D. Hennigar & McOllough absent).
Councilman Flurer gave and update from Finance Committee on REC discussions. Covering topics: City’ support, location options, projected memberships and facility size. Financial topics comparing similar facility’s success and town’s median household average income.
Motioned by Flurer seconded by S. Hennigar to approve Resolution (25-14) Support for Future Clarion REC facility (Motion passed 3-2, D. Hennigar & McOllough absent). It was brought up that the two absent councilmen have expressed support for the project and the items in this resolution.
Middleton pointed out the Proposed Tax Levy shown last meeting did not change and this levy will be sent to the county for the initial Levy letters going out. We will be reducing the rate from $18.06 to $17.76.
Motioned by Flurer seconded by Ennis to approve Resolution (25-15) Development Agreement CDBG – White Fox Holding LLC – 124 N Main (Motion passed 3-2, D. Hennigar & McOllough absent).
Motioned by S. Hennigar seconded by Flurer to approve CD Renewal with First Citizens at a rate of 4.3% for 12 months. (Motion passed 3-0, D. Hennigar & McOllough absent).
Reports from the Council or Dept heads: Fireman Rosenbaum mentioned there are 20+ people taking Fire Fighter (FF1) class currently. Over a half dozen are Clarion Firemen.
Short break and moved into the FY26 Budget workshop. (moved so people didn’t need to leave then come back after CLOSED)
Motioned by S. Hennigar seconded by Flurer to move into Closed Session: Property – Iowa Code 21.5(1)(j) (Motion passed 3-0, D. Hennigar & McOllough absent). Motioned by Flurer seconded by S. Hennigar to move out of Closed Session (Motion passed 3-0, D. Hennigar & McOllough absent). No action taken.
Motioned by Flurer seconded by S. Hennigar to adjourn. All Ayes. (Motion passed 3-0).
Respectfully Submitted,
Clint Middleton City Administrator
Published in the Wright County Monitor on March 13, 2025


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