City of Clarion February 18, 2025 Minutes

The Clarion City Council met in regular session Tuesday February 18th, 2025, at 5:00pm in the Council Chambers with Mayor Heiden presiding. Present were Council members Dave Flurer, Dan Hennigar, Shayne Hennigar, Nick McOllough and Mike Ennis. Also, in attendance City Administrator Clint Middleton, Attorney Zach Chizek, PWD Jon DeVries, and Chief Steve TerHark.
Mayor Heiden called the meeting to order and polled the council for any conflicts of interest with the agenda, there was none. Mayor Heiden asked if there were any citizens listed to address the council, there were none.
Motioned by Flurer seconded by McOllough to approve consent agenda consisting of Minutes- 2025.02.04; Financial report- approve checks; Licenses/Permits- (Building, Liquor, Tobacco, Sign, Peddler, Street Closure) Liquor: Crowe Smoke’n Vape; Building; Sepulveda – Dog House & Fence (Motion passed 5-0).
Motioned by McOllough seconded by Flurer to approve Resolution (25-10) Development Agreement – City- Pelico (Motion passed 5-0).
Matt Oldland gave a quick update on the work The REC Board has been doing. He proposed a 3rd revised plan now on one level as the option going forward. The Board requested there be an Open Forum/Workshop to be held to discuss possibilities. (date suggested will a happen before the paper is published, Clarion Library Feb 25th @ 6:00pm)
Gene Rosenbaum spoke quickly to the Fire Dept wanting to reopen the discussion on building a new fire station. Middleton gave an example of a town that is doing a project that could be in the range of available funding. City and FD Officers will keep this discussion going.
Motioned by Ennis seconded by S. Hennigar to approve Resolution (25-12) disposal of Real Estate – Narber Properties (Motion passed 5-0).
Reports from the Council or Dept heads: The Mayor thanked the Street Guys for clearing off all the snow that recently fell. Middleton said the new Accounts Payable/Payroll person, Claire Anderson, has started and is working out well.
Motioned by McOllough seconded by Flurer to adjourn. All Ayes. (Motion passed 5-0).
Respectfully Submitted,
Clint Middleton City Administrator
Published in the Wright County Monitor on February 27, 2025


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