Three resolutions – Resolution 2019-08, Resolution 2019-09 and Resolution 2019-10 – had no problems moving through the City Council of Lake City, as they held their latest regular meeting on Sept. 3 inside of the Council Chambers at City Hall in Lake City. Resolution 2019-08 is a five-year resolution that deals with a tax abatement for homes, while the other two resolutions are the Urban Report and the Iowa Department of Transportation Street Finance Report for the 2019-2019 fiscal year. The meeting, which lasted 35 minutes, also saw a lengthy discussion over a fence permit for a property located off of the 700-block of Illinois Street, which was tabled for the next council meeting. The council was also updated on the Zoning Recodification, derelict properties, a resignation from a member of the Lake City Police Department and the invitation from Rockwell City concerning the RVTV tailgate party, held on Wednesday.