Calhoun County administers changes for city, school elections

The regular school election will be held as a combined election with the regular city election on Nov. 5. For the first time, the city/school election will be combined and will use the regular general election precincts. Voters will go to the polls for this election at the same place that they vote for a regular general (presidential or gubernatorial) election. Eligible voters in Calhoun County may request an absentee ballot for the city/school election from the Calhoun County Auditor’s Office. Requests for an absentee ballot to be mailed may be filed with the Calhoun County Auditor’s Office at this time through Oct. 25. Nomination papers for the city election may be filed with each City Clerk until Sept. 19. Nomination papers for the school election may be filed with the secretary of the school board until Sept. 19. The deadline to pre-register to vote in the city/school election is Oct. 25. You may verify your voter registration at If an eligible voter is not already registered to vote, he or she may do so in one of the following ways: 1. Register to vote by mail:Voter registration forms are available on the Calhoun County website – – under the heading “County Offices, Auditor, Elections. Click on “Voter Registration Online” to download a voter registration form. The completed form should be delivered or mailed to your County Auditor. Mailed voter registration forms that are post-marked by Oct. 21 are considered on time to pre-register even if they are received after October 25. 2. Register to vote in person:This can be done at your County Auditor’s Office by Oct. 25. 3. Register to vote online:Voters may go to and follow the online voter registration link. An Iowa driver’s license or non-operator ID is required for online registration.


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