Local scout leaders earn leadership badge

Last month, two local scout leaders were recognized by their peers of the Winnebago Scout Council for having completed the Wood Badge. Scoutmaster Andrew Tew (left) and Assistant Scoutmaster Jonn Nebbe (right), leaders of Clarion Boy Scout troop 1047, both earned this honor. Tew explains that Woodbadge is advanced leadership training.  He and Nebbe attended two weekends of training at Ingawanis Adventure Base outside of Waverly back in the fall of 2018 to start this journey. Skills strengthened during this course include many areas such as listening, managing conflict, coaching and mentoring, and project planning. Tew said his designated goal was to strengthen the Troop through helping to bring new scouts into the troop, and then showing the older scouts that the scouting journey does not end simply because you turn 18. He added, “The way I did  that was to be present at the cub scout pack meetings, organize a crossover ceremony for the cub scouts coming to ScoutsBSA, serving as a merit badge counselor at council events, and inviting Troop 1047 alumni back to speak at the Court of Honor.” Also at the ceremony last month, the troop recognized individual scout advancements and merit badges earned. Even over the last few months, local scouts have stayed busy, attending camps and planning fundraisers. Photo provided



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