Clarion’s drive-up Veterans Day program goes off successfully

It was a clear, sunny, albeit breezy and chilly day last Wednesday when many gathered in the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows High School parking lot. The task at hand was honoring veterans. Considering that planning such an event in the midst of COVID-19 was incredibly challenging and most other towns cancelled their programs, the Clarion Veterans Day celebration was a big success.

 Since holding the program indoors this year was not possible, the planners got creative. The event had a drive-up format. The school district loaned out the east side of their parking lot. Attendees pulled up their vehicles, facing a raised ‘stage’-a flatbed trailer Hagie Manufacturing had loaned.  Thanks to an FM transmitter provided by VFW member Tom Frantz, people tuned their car radios to a specified station and listened to the program in the comfort and warmth of their vehicles. Naturally, throughout the program, rather than applause, folks honked their car horns in appreciation.

The program featured many of the same parts that people always enjoy. The Presentation of Colors by the Clarion, Goldfield and Dows American Legion Posts members Mark Hinton, Mark Thompson, Brad Crees and Bill Chambers started things off. Then twelve high school vocal students provided a beautiful, harmonized rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Frantz, who acts as the VFW Post 2612 Chaplain, offered a prayer.

Next up were the speakers. Though the two speakers were local, they offered meaningful thoughts on veterans. Raejean Chapman, Commander of Clarion American Legion Post 0246, talked about how meaningful the Oath of Enlistment was for her. Dennis Mraz, Clarion VFW Commander, talked about how variable veterans today are and gave a shout-out to several local servicemen and women.

After the speakers, everyone was pleased that the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows fifth graders were able to provide their usual contribution of the flag folding with explanations of the symbolism of the folds. David Ackerman, Clarion-Goldfield-Dows High School Vocal Music Instructor, sang the Lee Greenwood classic, “God Bless the U.S.A.” Finally, while Taps were played by high school student Lucas Parcell, the traditional 21 gun salute was conducted by Steve Nichols, Lee Aldrich, Terry Hilpipre, Harlan Poolman, Tim Hamilton, Steve Kruger and Kirk Cramer.

Mraz, one of the main organizers, was very happy with how the event went. “I really never thought we could pull it off,” he said. “But everything worked perfectly. I thought it was a really good program.” Others agreed, since one person reported between sixty and seventy vehicles had attended.

Mraz said that the program would not have been possible without the help and support of dozens of people and groups. These include the CGD School District and the many veterans’ organizations throughout the county. The veterans honored were also no doubt thankful to Mraz and others for putting together a meaningful celebration during a difficult time.



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