Holiday cheer came through loud and clear during CGD virtual concerts


Though parents, families and community members had to tune in online for Clarion-Goldfield-Dows’ holiday concerts, they were still festive events. Over the last week, the high school, middle school and elementary schools performed instrumental and vocals selections. Because of gathering restrictions and under advice from Wright County Public Health, the public was not able to attend the concerts in person. As a result, the different schools live-streamed or recorded their concerts. Mr. David Ackerman, 6-12 Vocal Music Instructor, was happy with how the event went. He said, "I thought the middle school students really did a nice job at our first ever Virtual Concert.  It was different not performing for a live audience, but I think the students adjusted nicely.” MS Principal Steve Haberman said that the live-stream format worked well. “The sound and picture quality were good,” Haberman confirmed. And according to the district, the middle school concert was viewed 491 times.  People who viewed the concerts seemed happy to enjoy them however they could. One comment on the middle school’s social media page said, “Thanks to all who made it possible for us to see these concerts from home. Great job Middle School and instructors!” Pictured are sixth grade band and choirs from last week’s concert. Notable songs included the favorite “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” performed by the 6th grade band and choir and “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” by the 7th/8th grade band, in addition to the older choral group performing a Christmas Medley. Check back in the next couple of weeks for HS and elementary concert photos. Photos provided




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