At the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Board of Education meeting on Monday, February 8, the CGD Education Association Bargaining Team members Loren Lienemann and Jenny Smith presented the CGDEA Initial Bargaining Proposal for the next fiscal year.
The following requests were made: 1. Request that all provisions in the current contract and handbook remain unchanged. 2. Seek contracts with duration of one year with an economic increase proposal of 4 percent. The increase consists of Step Movement – staff employed in FY19 would be allowed to move three steps, staff employed in FY20 would move two steps, and staff employed in FY21
would move one step. Longevity steps of 20-24 years would receive an increase of $750.00, those at step 25 and higher would receive an increase of $750.00.
Last Tuesday, the district issued their response in a special board meeting. Anita Frye presented the District’s Response and Initial Proposal. They offered a total package increase of 2.87%. This would allow all employees to have step movement through the salary schedule as suggested by CGDEA, with longevity increment increases of $200.00 at year 20 and year 25. This would amount to a 3.38% Salary Package increase. The district would be open to discussion of a two-year contract. The next Exempt Negotiations Meeting was held Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at noon at the district office.