Hagie Foundation donates six body cameras


The Hagie Foundation recently bought six body cameras for the Clarion Police Department. Chief of Police Steve TerHark said that the cost of the cameras totaled almost $6,000. Though the Clarion PD previously had other cameras, TerHark noted the new ones are a major upgrade. Assistant Chief Bret Thompson remarked that the cameras benefit both officers and the public as they hold both groups accountable. Dave Maxheimer, Hagie Human Resources Director, added, “It is a great pleasure to work with the Clarion Police Department to provide a high-tech solution for the safety of our officers, as well as adding an extra layer of protection for our citizens.  Video evidence is essential to telling the story, as the camera never lies.” TerHark agreed with that. He also noted that Hagie donating cameras and other equipment in the past is a big help in a time where budgets are tight. “I can’t say enough about the support we’ve received from the Hagie Foundation,” emphasized TerHark. Pictured, left to right, Asst. Chief Thompson and Maxheimer, holding one of the new body cams. Photo by Bridget Shileny



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