Healthy Connections: The Right Way to Meet Your Weight Loss Resolution

Ringing in a new year often
means declaring a resolution.
While we all want to look
and feel better, you’ll be more
successful with a goal focused
on health and not primarily on
weight loss. Avoid a quick-fix
approach and instead focus on
finding results in lifestyle changes
that are more likely to last.
For example, if you’re totally
inactive, perhaps work
up to walking a mile. If you’re
already active, try training for
a 5k race, or keep it simple by
just being active every day. Let
your goals be achievable and
based on things you can actually

If you have health issues,
start there. Focus on targeting
hypertension, high cholesterol,
or blood sugar levels
versus weight loss. Stress, how
you handle your emotions,
lack of exercise, and sleep
patterns all play a role in your
overall health as well.
As you make your resolution
for 2020, the following
tips can help you achieve your

1. Set the right goals
Don’t doom yourself from
the start. Avoid having a target
weight as your goal. Obviously
you want to lose weight, but
instead strive for more energy,
increased stamina, and better

2. Be consistent
One bad meal won’t torch
your efforts, but habitually
poor choices will. Don’t look
at food as ‘always’ or ‘never,’
but develop long-term eating
patterns. Choosing healthy options
the majority of the time is
more sustainable than an “all
or nothing” mentality.


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