McGrath named to State Board of Health

At the Monday meeting of the Wright County Board of Supervisors, the board congratulated Wright County Board of Health Director Sandy McGrath. She was recently appointed by the governor to the State Board of Health. McGrath explained that that board works to inform and give recommendations to the governor and other policymakers on a state and local level. They have been very active in the COVID response over the last 18 months. Chairman Karl Helgevold said, “This is quite the honor for Sandy and very well-deserved.”

In her weekly report, McGrath went on to note there were 33 new COVID cases this last week, putting the county at 1,933. She added that people should just assume it’s the Delta variant of the virus. She also encouraged sick people to hunker down and get tested. McGrath said that people should assess risky situations and consider masking in large crowds, even if you are vaccinated.

She again encouraged people to get vaccinated. “I don’t want to go back to a time like last fall with many cases every day,” McGrath noted. “The more people vaccinated, the fewer hosts we will have to carry the virus.” Vaccine clinics were held at Belmond-Klemme and Eagle Grove schools in the last few days. The county sits at 46.5% for being fully vaccinated.

The board reviewed bids for work to drainage ditch #194 that were read last week. McClure Engineering recommended the county go with the low bid from Rognes Brothers Excavating out of Lake Mills for $157,492. That action was approved.

County Engineer Adam Clemons again discussed a standing corn snow fence policy. He and Supervisor Dean Kluss investigated average corn yields in the county and cited USDA reports from 2020 listing 187 bushels/acre. They also talked about what market prices to use in the policy. They plan to go with August cash bid prices as listed by local co-ops plus a premium per acre. Clemons will compile that information and present a final policy next week.

In Clemons’ road report, he also noted that work to C20 north of Belmond will be starting soon with traffic control beginning on August 10.



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