Career Academy students get the chance to meet the new president of ICCC…and enjoy free breakfast pizza

Fifty-one North Central Career Academy of Iowa Central Community College students were welcomed back to school at the Eagle Grove facility by the new ICCC president, Jesse Ulrich, on Friday morning, Aug. 27. He greeted the students with a happy “Hello” and a hot slice of Casey’s breakfast pizza, complete with a bottle of water to wash it down. This has been a tradition at the Career Academy for several years now.

The gesture was received graciously by all of the students as they headed into one of the seven different strains of classes which include: Health, Liberal Arts, Manufacturing, Business, Engineering, Computer Science, and Teacher Academy.

“The Career Academy fits right into the Governor’s goal of being ‘future ready’ in Iowa,” said Ulrich. “We’re doing everything we can to improve the workforce.”

Ulrich added that the goal of the Career Academy is to get students as close as possible to leaving the facility with an AA degree by the time they graduate high school. For some, this could mean going directly into the workforce. For others going on to earn a four-year degree, it could mean a savings of up to $5,500. All classes at the Career Academy are free.

“It doesn’t take long to realize (the Career Academy) is a good thing,” stated Darrell Determann who has been an ICCC board member for more than 11 years.

When attending the Career Academy, students are able to earn dual credits, meaning they count towards both high school and college requirements.

“We’ve even had some students take classes here and discover what they DON’T want to do too, which is as important as what they DO want to do,” said Career Academy Director Colleen Bartlett, explaining that at least they can look at it as money saved in paying for classes they eventually won’t use.

“We appreciate all of our partners (in making the Career Academy possible) and staying committed to being here,” said Ulrich of the businesses, the school district, and the students themselves.

Juniors and seniors in high school are eligible to attend the Career Academy. Participating area schools served include Eagle Grove, Clarion-Goldfield-Dows, Webster City, Fort Dodge, St. Eds, and Humboldt. If there are any remaining seats available in the term, Bartlett said some schools will allow some sophomores to attend if they meet grade and other special requirements.

“Jess (Toliver) is a huge supporter of this program,” said Bartlett of Eagle Grove’s superintendent.

“We are here and proud to serve the rural areas,” said Ulrich.

If and when a student completes a full year of courses at the Academy, they will receive an additional $500 scholarship to be used towards their post-high school attendance at Iowa Central Community College.

Ulrich is excited to be leading the ICCC and the Career Academy programs. As a graduate of ICCC himself, he said he feels right “at home.”

Ulrich is originally from West Bend and most recently was serving as the superintendent of schools in Fort Dodge for the last 10 years before becoming the president of ICCC.

Those high school students interested in attending the Career Academy next year should talk to their school counselors.


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