At the Wright County Board of Supervisors meeting, Public Health’s Sandy McGrath reported 63 new COVID cases in the county since last week, putting the overall number at 2,396. She added that another Wright County resident, age 31, died from COVID complications over the weekend. She noted that the county vaccination rate is very slowly climbing and is at 51.2%. McGrath said that there still has not been approval for booster doses for the Moderna and Johnson and Johnson vaccines, though boosts are available for certain groups who received the Pfizer vaccine.
The board heard from Evan De Val and Ivan Droessler both with ISG to discuss construction inspection services for both the Summit Carbon Solutions and Navigator CO2 Ventures pipelines. De Val spoke to the board a month ago on this topic. He explained that because liquified carbon dioxide is considered a hazardous material in the state of Iowa, inspection is required, which is the responsibility of the county, with costs reimbursed by the pipeline. The inspection part involves updating landowners regarding anything being impacted by the pipeline, including drainage and soil issues. ISG has extensive experience with such inspections.
In the end, the board decided to retain ISG for both the county and drainage district inspections for the possible Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline but wait on taking that action for the Navigator CO2 Ventures pipeline. The board added that they haven’t really heard any details about the Navigator pipeline, which is another carbon capture pipeline planned to possibly go through Wright County. De Val noted that that one is behind schedule at this point.
Also pertaining to possible pipelines, the board discussed establishing a road use agreement and permit fee for the companies building. Adam Clemons, Wright County Engineer, will look into how other counties are dealing with road use and possible road damage.
The board held a completion hearing for work to drainage district #107 in Norway Township. They agreed to one damage claim for $499.32 and approved the completion. In other drainage business they also discussed a clean out with Franklin County in joint drainage district #118-4.
Clemons presented information on upcoming work to Bridge #8 located in Vernon Township on R 75, north of the interstate exchange. The plan is to put a pre-cast box culvert in the location. Clemons said that $250,000 have been budgeted for the project which will be put to bid in January as the county cannot do this level of work themselves. The work will take place next year and last 25-30 days. The plan was approved as was the funding agreement.
Peggy Schluttenhofer, Wright County Treasurer requested a tax abatement on a mobile home formerly located in Eagle Grove that the taxes are deemed to be uncollectable. The home had burned down. The board abated the $1,449 taxes owed on the home.