In the upcoming election on November 2, there are three Clarion City Council seats up for grabs. Six candidates have thrown their hat in the ring to run. Because this is a contested election, the Monitor asked the candidates to answer some questions to inform voters of their backgrounds and positions. Their responses are reproduced below in their entirety with little to no editing.
Check back next week for the remaining candidates’ responses.
Larry Harrah
1. Why are you seeking re-election to the city council?
I love the city of Clarion and love to see it thrive!
2. What background or skill set do you have that makes you qualified for city council?
I have experience being a citizen of Clarion since 1997 which is a great place to raise a family! During our time here, I was blessed to coach my kids in park and rec activities for 18 years and enjoyed watching my kids go through their school years here. My career brings many years of management experience including creating business forecasts, creating budgets, all administrative duties, working with employees and customers.
3. What do you feel are the biggest issues facing Clarion today?
Population and businesses! I would love to see Clarion grow, so what’s this going to take? I would like to continue to serve so I can do my part to help figure this out and promote Clarion. If elected my biggest goal will be the growth of Clarion.
4. What does the city need to do to address those issues and how would you help with that effort?
I feel we need to ask the citizens and business owners questions. I would like to see a survey created that we could send out to everyone asking questions about Clarion. If we ask the right questions and compile the survey results, we’ll have a starting point of how everyone feels about Clarion. The goal with this is to make sure the people of Clarion are happy and to gain insight on things we can work on that will make Clarion an inviting/ charming town that people, families and businesses will want to become a part of.
5. If you are elected, what are your three biggest goals for your term?
-Communicating with citizens and businesses of Clarion to make sure they’re happy. To help watch over changes going on in Clarion to make sure those changes are in the best interest of the community.
-I would like find new ways to promote Clarion.
Mark Hinton
1. Why are you running for Clarion City Council?
I believe I have the necessary experience and education to make a difference in the direction of Clarion. I want to address issues that somehow seem to get pushed to the back burner.
2. What background or skill set do you have that makes you qualified for city council?
Born and raised in Wright County, Clarion High School grad, Lee University grad, bachelor's degree. 15 years’ experience in the financial services industry. U.S. Army veteran. Excellent written and communication skills. Continuous resident / homeowner / property taxpayer in Clarion since 1989.
3. What do you feel are the biggest issues facing Clarion today?
Infrastructure: streets, etc. Supply chain disruptions, Slum landlords, Senior citizens
4. What does the city need to do to address those issues and how would you help with that effort?
Need a 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, and 20 year plan for city improvements (e.g., this year we are going to resurface "x" number of streets, next year resurface these "x" number of streets, etc.) Planning needs to be in writing and copies distributed to city's taxpayers.
Along with long-range planning, steps need to be taken now to address supply chain disruptions that are only going to worsen in the near future. What plans exist that call attention to repairs and upkeep along the way of our planning? For example, do we have a stockpile of things that regularly wear out on the city water system, city vehicles, and city equipment? I don't know, but I think we should. Things like but not limited to: motor oil, oil filters, brakes, hoses, belts, bulbs, tires, valves, fittings, grease, windshield wipers, fuel, etc.
There needs to be a streamlined process to condemn appropriate properties with ordinances that carry weight to be enforced. The current existing process seems anything but.
We need the re-establishment of a senior citizens center. People need to be out and getting together once again for their mental health.
What is the city's emergency preparedness plan in a grid down situation to assist our elderly? Have we identified those vulnerable in the case of an extended power outage in the depths of winter? Do we have a backup plan to keep the water running in a grid down situation? I believe the taxpayers need answers to those questions.
5. If you are elected, what are your three biggest goals for your term?
a. 5, 10, 15, 20 year long-range planning for infrastructure
b. Passing of ordinances to streamline property condemnation
c. Senior Citizen concerns
d. Helping community prepare for coming shortages
If these issues resonate with you, I would appreciate your vote on November 2nd.
Brandon Flurer
1. Why are you running for Clarion City Council?
I decided to run for Clarion City Council because I had seen online and heard people in person expressing that they want change in the community, and I decided to run to try and help bring some positive change to Clarion.
2. What background or skill set do you have that makes you qualified for city council?
I do not have much of a skill set that qualifies me for Clarion City Council. However, I am good at talking with people and listening. I am a quick study and want to truly help out this community and listen to what people are saying.
3. What do you feel are the biggest issues facing Clarion today?
I feel the cost compared to the quality of water we have is an issue. I think our roads need improvement. One of the biggest issues I think Clarion is facing in my opinion is that we are losing our youth here in town. By that, I mean that once kids go off to college and there are not a lot that come back to town.
4. What does the city need to do to address those issues and how would you help with that effort?
The water and the roads issue will not be fixed overnight. There should be a plan put together with a deadline to gradually fix them. Clarion needs to bring in businesses that will attract younger people.
5. If you are elected, what are your three biggest goals for your term?
1. I would like to get a plan together for trying to lower the costs of water and improving the quality.
2. I would like to get together a plan and do a study of the worst roads in town and start repairing them. Cold patch is just a band aid we need to repair them to last.
3. I want to try and bring in businesses to make the younger generations want to come back to town so that we can continue to grow this community.