175 new COVID cases since last week

At the Wright County Supervisors meeting on Monday, County Public Health Director Sandy McGrath noted that the county saw 175 new COVID cases in the past week and now totals 3,158. The new cases more than doubled from the previous week. “When we more than double numbers, we’re in crisis mode. And we now run the risk of having to shut things down,” McGrath said. She said that the Omicron variant is taking over from Delta. She again implored people to get vaccinated and boosted. McGrath reiterated that public health still has Test Iowa saliva test kits available and can do PCR nasal testing out of their office which typically gives results in 24 to 36 hours. She added that Public Health is still willing to go to businesses to vaccinate. The county is now 55.2% vaccinated. McGrath and Safety Committee member Adam Clemons reviewed the CDC’s quarantine and isolation guidelines. Those full guidelines can be found at cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html

The board passed a resolution on approving the addition of County Property to the Clarion Urban Renewal Area.  This is being done in cooperation with the city. Clarion is working towards acquiring the Mosaic building on Madison Avenue to be used for an Early Learning Center. Adding the property to the Clarion Urban Renewal Area would allow the city to capture TIF dollars for the project.

In his secondary roads update, Adam Clemons, County Engineer, noted that the county sustained $62,658 in damage from the storm a few weeks ago. He also noted that a presidential disaster declaration is still being sought. The board also approved a resolution amending secondary roads five-year program. A couple projects were removed and repairs to the Woolstock bridge were pushed back as the county is waiting for some information from the railroad.

In other business, the board approved the appointment of Chloe Johnson as civil process server. They also received the Sheriff’s and Auditor’s reports.

A conference call with Hancock County on approval of the reclassification and annexation of lands into DD #194 and outlet charge to JDD 98-32 was also held.



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