At the monthly meeting of the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Board of Education, Elementary Principal Tricia Rosendahl presented her education report. She spoke about the social and emotional health of students as well as academic readiness. She discussed various tools they use to support students, including therapists coming into the school and software that allows students to report any concerns they have. The elementary is also using new math and literacy curriculum.
In his Superintendent’s report, Joe Nelson discussed the federal OSHA vaccine mandate. Because Iowa OSHA stated they would not adopt or enforce the mandate, the CGD district will not be enforcing a vaccine or testing mandate said Nelson. He added that absentee rates among students are averaging 5-7% but “we are getting thin in terms of staffing.”
Nelson shared the floor plan for the remodeled elementary space that will be used for preschool after Kids Korner/the early learning center moves out at the end of the school year. The district will be able to have several more preschool spaces available. The remodeling is being paid for through COVID relief funds. The superintendent also added that summer school will be offered again this summer, also funded through COVID dollars.
The board approved a request for At-Risk/Drop Out Prevention funds for $356,176 with the local match of $118,725 coming from property tax. These funds would be targeted towards 21 students who meet certain criteria to provide tools like study tables, supplies and staff salary.
The board approved three resignations: Dan Gabrielson – Head Wrestling Coach at the end of the season, Cindy Schaffer – Superintendent Secretary effective June 30, 2022, and Peggy Clutter – High School Secretary effective June 30, 2022.