The 2021-2022 Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Chapter of National Honor Society (NHS) held their induction ceremony on Thursday, March 24. The ceremony featured keynote speaker, Dr. Lisa Koch, CGHS 1988 Alum; recognition of each NHS member and the service project they chose to do this year; a candle lighting ceremony & chapter pledge; presentation of certificates for new members; pinning of new members and signing of the official chapter registry book. This year’s ceremony was performed by the CGD-NHS chapter officers, the CGD-NHS induction ceremony team and Mrs. Shannon Leist, chapter advisor.
This year’s chapter officers were elected to their position by their fellow NHS peers. President Delia Swanson, vice-president Summer Traub, secretary Nikki Kapka and treasurer Cael Chase led the audience and chapter members through a candle lighting ceremony. This ceremony highlights the four pillars of National Honor Society which serve as the qualification guidelines for members to be invited to join. Through a rigorous approval process students must show their abilities and experiences in leadership, service, character and scholarship. At CGDHS the scholarship requirements are a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or higher for sophomores and a 3.50 or higher for juniors and seniors.
Before being inducted, students who are invited to join the CGD Chapter of National Honor Society agree to uphold the high standards set by the national organization and adopted by the local chapter and they commit to participate in all chapter activities. This year’s chapter activities included serving on a chapter committee, carrying out four hours of service to their school or community, participating in the chapter service project, fundraising, attending meetings and paying chapter dues. The March 24th ceremony recognized members for the committee they serve(d) on and the service activity each member chose for this year.
During the next part of the ceremony one by one, new inductees were invited forward to receive their official chapter certificate presented to them by CGDHS Principal, Paul Hansch. Following the receipt of their chapter certificate, members were then pinned with an NHS insignia pin and invited to sign the CGD chapter registry book. The navy leather bound book is adorned in gold with the NHS emblem. Starting in 2015, advisor Shannon Leist started having members sign this book when they were inducted. It is hoped that this book will provide a running record of past & current members of the National Honor Society, Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Chapter.