Goldfield Legion awarded


The Goldfield American Legion Post 370 was presented a membership award. The post exceeded their membership quota by 105%.

Commander Brad Crees accepted the award from 3rd District Vice Commander Richard Echelberger. Brad indicated that he was happy to see the post grow and that hey had some very difficult challenges during COVID. The post building was hit with a mold issue that cost over $8,000 to resolve. The post is struggling to get back up and operating to full capacity.

During their quarterly meeting held Thursday April 7, the post welcomed two new members and announced the passing of a WW2 member. Also attending the meeting was Bill Chambers, Dows Post 523 Commander, to inform the group about the Legion Baseball and Softball team the "Steeltoes". The team was Legion-sponsored and was looking for assistance to present the colors at the next tournament in Belmond.

Anyone wishing to help the Goldfield Legion, please send donations to Goldfield Legion, 509 N. Main St, PO Box 141, Goldfield IA 50542.



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