During a short meeting of the Wright County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, the board heard an update about the county’s Wellness Plan. Wellness committee member Jeremy Abbas noted that employees are on track for online assessments but behind on physicals. He also discussed some concerns from the state regarding HIPAA and how it will affect the reports the county receives about employees.
Adam Clemons, Wright County Engineer, noted that there have been recent midseason increases in rock prices that he has not formerly seen. He said that prices have increased 18% in the past year.
Economic Development Director Darrel Steven Carlyle asked Clemons if he knew of a date for the Hwy 69 bridges opening. Clemons hadn’t heard anything new. Carlyle noted that the city of Belmond was informed it may be after July 4th now.
The board discussed Central Iowa Community Service’s rent at the Wright County Resource Center. They decided to go with $600 per month for the two CICS employees.