This is Colton Poncin's first year as a teacher in the Eagle Grove schools, but he's far from a newbie to the local schools. Poncin graduated from Eagle Grove High School in 2018, and today he teaches 5th grade Special Education, and coaches High School football and basketball.
"It's been great since many of the people I'm working with now were my teachers, which is pretty cool," Poncin said.
But Poncin wouldn't be where he is today without the Iowa Central Career Academy, here in Eagle Grove. After one year in the Academy, Poncin decided to go to college and become a teacher. To help pay for it, Poncin applied for the Elizabeth Hill scholarship, which was endowed by the Elizabeth Hill Trust specifically to help students who've graduated from Eagle Grove High School attend college.
"I think it's a no brainer," said Poncin of the scholarship, "the application process is easy. And it goes straight to your tuition to reduce the loan hit you're gonna take." Best of all, Poncin related, "unlike most of the scholarships you might get, this can last four years."
Colleen Bartlett of the Iowa Central Career Academy, said that to qualify students must graduate from EGHS, show they are enrolled for a 12 credit or more class load, that they are also enrolled for the following semester, if applicable, and must maintain at least a C average. So long as those conditions are met, an awardee can receive the scholarship for up to four years. Making it possible to earn a diploma, an associates degree, or even a Bachelor's degree.
Poncin did all three. After earning his diploma from EGHS in 2018, he earned an Associate of Arts at Iowa Central Community College, before graduating in 2022 from Iowa State University (ISU) with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education.
From there, he headed straight back to Eagle Grove. "I feel like I have a really, really strong connection to home," Poncin said. "And plus my family is here, so that's nice."
Poncin's family expressed their gratitude as well. "One day Colton's Dad came running over and I thought, 'what did I do now?' But he just wanted to tell me how great the Hill scholarship was for Colton, and how much it helped him," Bartlett said.
Now, as another class of EGHS students prepare to graduate, Bartlett hopes plenty apply for the scholarship. Iowa Central's objective is to help students get through college with the least amount of debt possible, she said, and the scholarship is one way local kids can do it.
Poncin agreed, and urged the 2023 graduating seniors to apply. The application process is "very simple," Poncin said. "There's no essay, and students can apply online or fill out a paper application," Bartlett said.
Applications are available from Bartlett at Iowa Central's Eagle Grove Career Academy, at the office of the High School, or at the law office of Dani Eisentrager, across from Eagle Grove's Ben Franklin, just past the intersection of Broadway and Commercial streets. Anyone with questions, including those who need this year's application link, should contact Colleen Bartlett by email at or by phone at (515)851-0061.
Applications will be accepted starting May 1st, until June 15th.