Drainage District Admin Updates the Wright County Supervisors

Amanda Rink, Editor 


The Wright County Board of Supervisors received updates on the process of signing up for unofficial electronic notices regarding drainage work, drainage ditch drone flying, and the implementation of permit applications for other utilities in the county.


Courtney Morris, the Drainage Administrator, presented the proposed electronic notice form for drainage work. The form will be available in the Auditor’s Office and on the county website under the Drainage tab. According to Iowa Code Sec 468.17A, individuals entitled to receive postal service mail notices may request unofficial notices via email.


Morris received questions regarding multiple recipients, such as tenants and landowners. She clarified that individual forms for each person would be required, with signatures on file. Dean Kluss inquired about sending drainage assessments via email, to which Morris shared it is not currently possible. Morris verified that the forms would not become part of the real estate Transfer Books and emphasized the property owner's responsibility to update their district status.


Drainage District Drone Flying


Morris then presented a spreadsheet listing Drainage Districts with Open Ditches. The drone footage would establish a baseline for ditches and identify current issues like sloughing and beaver dams. Videos of already flown ditches are accessible on the county website and YouTube channel.


Kluss expressed concern about districts with outlets and whether the out-letting district would share the cost. Morris explained that classifications typically include out-letting districts or an outlet fee. Kluss and Rasmussen moved to continue working with Secondary Roads for drone footage.


Utility Permit Applications


Morris concluded the meeting with a discussion on implementing permit applications for other utilities. She presented the Franklin County Drainage District Utility Permit Application as an example. The board requested to review the example and discuss it with Franklin County’s supervisors.


The meeting adjourned with the assurance of continued collaboration on important drainage district matters.


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