Council approves four resolutions, talks small business relief

               The Tuesday, April 7 Clarion City Council meeting was held via conference call with all council members, the mayor, and usual department heads on the call. The council took up a number of topics, including four resolutions. The first two resolutions dealt with the FY 2020-2021 budget. Because of previously not meeting the publication requirements for the budget public hearing, the hearing, and thus the final approval of the budget, had to be rescheduled and will now be held during the April 21 meeting.

                Another two resolutions were approved pertaining to city water projects. The first was a pay request for $2,850 for Thompson Electric Company for storing materials for the well project. The other resolution was to provide for notice of a hearing on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contact and estimate for the water system improvement project and taking bids for that.

                The council also discussed what the city might do to provide for small business relief. City Administrator Clint Middleton explained that Wright County Economic Development is providing micro-loans that each major town’s economic development arm will be in charge of and disperse. Middleton asked the council if they would be interested in adding funds that could be offered in Clarion using a similar model. All councilmembers were in enthusiastic agreement, which the city admin said will get the ball rolling on making decisions. A detailed plan will be presented at a future meeting.

                In other action, the council approved starting the process of hiring a replacement police officer. Officer Mark Hennigar recently announced his resignation.

                In individual reports, Middleton reported that Clarion is sitting at a 48% response rate for the 2020 Census. He also reminded everyone that water rates will increase in mid-April per city ordinance. (See chapter 92 in the City Code of Ordinances on their website for details.) This will affect water bills starting on residents’ June bills. Middleton also added that signing up to pay water bills electronically using auto-pay is very easy and handy since city hall is not open to the public. People can contact city hall with questions. He also announced that Clarion City Clean-up sponsored by the Clarion Pride Association will be postponed until a later date.

                Chief of Police Steve Terhark said that the department has the ability to give citations if people are not following the city curfew or state-mandated playground closings, though he hopes such steps aren’t necessary. He reports that most people are willingly dispersing if asked to. He spoke about a recent rash of break-ins and vandalisms throughout Clarion. The chief confirmed that three juveniles have been implicated and charged with the crimes.

                Director of Public Works Jon DeVries explained that per Iowa DNR recommendations, his department is working on a rotating schedule with three employees on and three off. This is to keep essential employees healthy. He also shared some good news. Due to provisions in the recently adopted federal CARES Act that provides coronavirus relief, FAA projects will now by 100% funded rather than 90%. This means the Clarion Airport’s upcoming lighting project will be completely funded with no city contribution being necessary.




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